Sunday, September 7, 2008

Newspaper Article - Serangoon Gardens Issue

I was flipping through the Sunday Times today and the article on foreign worker caught my attention.

The article is mainly about the residents in Serangoon Gardens protesting against the idea of a foreign workers dormitory in their estates and how these foreign workers feel about Singaporeans.

I personally feel that a dormitory should be built in several estates so as to provide homes for these foreign workers in singapore. These foreign workers deserve a home as they are human beings too and besides that they have left their countries to work in singapore. If singaporeans were to be mean and go against the idea of buildng dormitories for these workers, what would the impression that the foreign workers will have on Singaporeans?

Lets put it this way. If Singaporeans were to be the ones working in a foreign country and the citizens in the foreign country were to go against the idea of making homes for Singaporeans in their country, how would you feel about it?

In the article, it shows how foreign workers feel about Singaporeans. And the groups of people include the chinese, thais, indians, myanmar nationals and bangladeshis.

The bangladeshis basically have a good impression of singapore and they enjoy working in such a nice country. On the other hand, the myanmar nationals are disappointed that Singaporeans do not trust them.

It is sad that Singaporeans are stereotyping foreign workers as bad and unwanted. I hope that the residents of Serangoon Gardens will rethink their decision of going against the idea of building a dormitory for these foreign workers as they need a home that is affordable to them.



joy said...

I guess i can understand why Singaporeans see foreign workers this way... its a sad but harsh truth. No one seems to take into account the fact that without them, we wouldn't have buildings to live in, we wouldn't have train systems that we usually frequent, and we wouldn't have anyone clearing rubbish at our estates... These foreign workers are the reasons why our country is influential in the world today. Afterall, we wouldn't be "clean and green" without them. Maybe we all should think about that.

Chloe said...

Hi geri!
Most singaporeans do not have actual contact with these foreign workers. This is probably the reason why singaporeans are sterotyping them because there are no communication between them.
The actual fact that they are being discriminated is based on whatever news that were on them and mostly the news showed stuffs that portray not that a good image about them.
However, we should not generalize all foreign workers because there may be some who are really sincere about the job they have in Singapore.
Hence, it is important that Singaporeans to stop judging them based on skin colors and generalization. Without communication, misunderstandings often happen.

Quinn said...

I believe most Singaporeans would perceive foreign workers to be "Second class" citizens. After all they are not exactly part of us. However, i agree with what Winnie said, foreign workers really play a very important part in Singapore's infrastructure. We should learn to credit them for their hard work and accept them into our society.

Such prejudice against them should stop if we still want to upkeep our reputation as a cultured country. In addition, if we want to be treated with respect when we work overseas, we have to first treat others well.

AloY said...

i read this article and i feel that singaporeans are getting way out of hand.
basically it can be argued that most of the housing estates are built by foreign workers.

are we singaporeans going to allow them to build the estates for us and chase them away after we've used them?

if those staying in serangoon gardens are finding fault at the foreigners staying in a dormitory in their estates,why not let those staying there do the building of the estates itself and not bother foreign workers at all to save the trouble?

El. said...

It is true that most singaporeans stereotype foreign workers, I admit i do too, sometimes. However, i suppose a dormitory sounds really good. For singaporeans who object, then don't complain when they're sleeping on the streets and their belongings are left lying around.
&the fact that they're in a foreign land, i guess its quite a norm to be defensive naturally since you're in on foreign territory. no doubt, there's a handful of the really bad ones, but i guess, it does help to be nice eh? (: