Friday, September 26, 2008

Survivor Gabon

I was watching the new season of survivor just this afternoon.

It was the beginning episode today whereby the contestants meet each other for the very first time. Just from the first episode there are many different forms of communication present.

One example is interpersonal communication. There is a lot of face-to-face communication between 2 people. They have these kind of communication to build bonds and get people to form cliques within each group.

First impressions also play a huge role in this reality tv show. Before the game actually begins, the 2 oldest contestants are separated and they are asked to choose the members they would want in their group. Obviously the stronger people get chosen first. Besides that, friendliness plays a huge role. The expression that a person has definitely plays a huge part in determining what others perceive them to be. The last person to get chosen was a lady who may possibly be the skinniest of the lot. Maybe her appearance was the main reason why she got chosen last.

At the end of each episode of survivor, there is like a tribal counsel thing where someone gets eliminated. For this episode the skinny girl got elimnated probably because of the way she communicated with people - giving the impression that she arrogant in a way. Her attitude was probably the main reason why she got eliminated.

In gameshows like this, first impressions and the way people communicate matters alot. Well i guess choosing the right way to communicate is probably the best way to survive on this game.

This season of survivor should be a nice one as there is a wide range of people from different ages and there's also like many wild animals living with the people in the island! It would be fun seeing how people actually live in the wild away from technology and all.



joy said...

Yes! I've watched the show with u together!! And yes, i agree that communication does play an extremely important role in this game. Outwitting, outplaying and outlasting will not work unless some form of group socialisation is invovled in it. Though physical appearances and first impressions are inevitable, it would be good if discrimination would cease in this reality series. Though i would agree that girl definitely deserve to go! Group syergy is important!

soldreamer said...

hey!! i missed it! even though i was right beside u guys watching.. i was busy with something else, a usual..:P anyway, i agree with u that first impressions play a big role in this kind of gameshow. it is important for people to have a good perception of how u are in order to survive in a group as u depend on each other to survive. even though its wrong to judge the book by its cover, it is a guide into differentiating between the good and the bad. therefore, it is essential to at least make an effort to be nice to another person if u to wan to be treated the same way.. :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't catch the premiere of the new season of Survivor, mainly because I didn't have a chance to, and also because I don't really want to, even if I had the means to.

With reference to winniez's comment, it would be impossible to cease discrimination in the game altogether. Survivor is perhaps, one of the most successful reality series, because the show has never failed to portray the many facets of human behaviour and personality. So I would say discrimination which is present in the series is just a "photocopy" of reality.

Survival of the fittest is a harshly cruel fact that has existed since the beginning of time. It is up to yourself how you want to survive in this world, how other people look at you or react to you will not affect you substantially. The most important thing is to have determination, and know how to play your cards right.

I must agree that although every season of the Survivor is roughly the same, (i.e. politics, backstabbing, challenges) every new season never fails to amaze me.

AloY said...

i have to agree that first impressions do play a huge role in this reality tv show. i must say from what i've learnt that when people meet for the first time, it takes about 15 seconds to have their first impressions of the other party.

so whatever you do in the first 15 seconds when you meet someone, make it good, or else you'll probably end up like the girl who got eliminated.

Chloe said...

I didn't watch the show but recently i just watched an episode of Fear Factor blind date. So I could imagine how they were choosing their partners as in in fear factor.
First impression is definitely important. More important when the situation is short-lived and that you need to make very quick but accurate decisions. Thus, observing someone else based on first impression is vital.
However, during the show we would realise that many people make alot of first perceptual error. Thus, first impression is definitely important though inaccurate.

El. said...

well yeah, first impression do count alot.
but sometimes elimination might be due to strong compeition as well, where one strikes out their compeitors that are almost on par with them. but i guess, it always works as a win-win thing in such game shows, being nice to others might be of good use to yourself as well. (:

Jill said...

Damn, I hate discrimination and first impressions. ): Still, I second winniez, they're so inevitable.

Dad's a huge fan of Survivor and from what I see, this always happens in the first few episodes- the ones who look weaker gets eliminated.

As it continues, those who cant prove themselves get eliminated, leaving the strong ones to fight for the reward.

I kinduf disagree with the above. If I was in the situation, I'd so form alliances with as many people as I can and eliminate all the stronger people after we've 'used' them (building shelter etc).

Haha, backstabbing drama! And it wouldnt really be 'Survival of the fittest', more of 'Survival of the bitchest'.

That said, kudos to this post! Well written, and something I didnt really expect you'd be writing about.

The show is totally a reflection of the society we live in now; discrimination, politics, backstabbing, greed and of course, how everyone's basically in a rat race to some non-existant finish point.

Cheers! (:

weiling said...

yep, i agree. first impressions do matter.

first impressions either creates positive impressions that will open doors, or negative impressions with untold consequences.

Anonymous said...

I do agree that this season of Survivor Gabon has got some interesting gimmicks that'll attract more audience(:
I do agree that first impressions do play a large part in these reality TV games as these participants come from places all over America to play this game of 'outwit,outlast and outplay'. With that, people will have an inclination to pass their own judgements on others, even in discreet. Take this seaon's participants for examples, the older participants such as Gillian and the thin such as Ken are being classified by the others as weak and feeble and it is this sort of 'common idea' about the thin and weak that prompt the other members of the tribe to vote them out of the game. Therefore, I guess you really need to look FIT, THINK fit to be a survivor that will outplay,outlast and outwit in this game(: