Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blood Donation Advertisement


This advertisement is about donating blood in Singapore. I saw this for the first time last night on channel 5 and it caught my attention immediately.

It starts out with people holding out flashcards with phrases like "because 'm afraid" and "because i'm too busy". It caught my attention because it had a degree of mystery. I kept trying to guess what the advertisement was trying to advertise and i couldn't put my finger to it. The concept of not having people talk is really interesting and it makes a person put their concentration on the advertisement.

Besides the technique of communication, the colours they used were outstanding. Like white for the background and capital letters for the words on the flashcards. The music also made the advertisement more impressive. I considered it as very suitable for advertising blood donations.

I guess truth plays an important role in this advertisement. The reasons that the people have given for not donating blood are quite true. Like for me I'm quite afraid of donating blood. And for others it might be true that people might believe that there is already enough blood in the blood banks.

Blood donation is really important in Singapore. And sometimes with insufficient blood in the blood banks, it might be a matter of life or death for a person. So why not just donate blood in future?



darren said...

I actually went to donate blood on saturday..I think most people are just pure lazy and cannot be bothered to go down and waste their time doing a procedure.

You might say that we can save lives. However, because we don't see the effect directly, as in being there, we feel more removed from the situation--less empathy. However if a man were dying infront of you, and the doctor says he could do a blood transfusion now from you, to save him, surely you would be more willing?

Quinn said...

For advertisements like this, advertiser should use elements which appeals to emotion (pathos). Stimulations which evoke feelings will then urge the audiences to donate blood.

However, just as what Darren has mentioned, if the need to donate blood is not evident, or if we don't have a strong motivation to do so, most people will dismiss the idea. Therefore, advertisers should stir up a sense of urgency in people to let them know there is a shortage of blood in our blood banks.

There are some people who want to help but cannot donate blood because they do not meet the basic requirements of a donor. So for those who are able to do so, please help the needy :)

Chloe said...

I donated blood two times already! I believe that donating blood can decrease my weight! Nah just joking. Actually donating blood might increase one's weight. Not important.
Yes, it is truly an eye-catching ad.
I guess they are using non verbal communication is because many a times people auto filter off things that they do not want to hear. It is not surprising that people have this tendency to not be interested in donating blood because of several selfish reasons. Or i would say, yes they are all excuses.
Non verbal communication ad is fresh and thus, will capture the attention of its audience to actually watch the whole of the ad.

soldreamer said...

yup.. i think the advertisement is good.. the pinch of truth is good in a way to create awareness among ppl.. however, i think that it will only be short impact.. even though ppl see truth in the advertisement, it will not bring that much of an impact to the viewers to donate blood. celebrities plays a big part in influencing ppl.. therefore, the Singapore government should make use of this effective way of promoting blood donation too.. it'll drive ppl to do good deed like their idol.. this way of advertising receive much success as can be seen in Korea. using celebrities to promote good cause is very common and is successful. therefore, this alternative can be used to bring in more donaters..

joy said...

Hey! i've never seen the ad before! But i like the concept of it! I've always wanted to try to donate blood, i won't deny that i'm scared, but hey, the nurse said my vein was too thin or something and she can't poke the needle into my vein!!! She said that i never do enough housework, or carry enough things, but i do!! Ok, but anyway, the advertisement uses nonverbal communication which is an effective medium to show how the people feel. =) Just like what soleha mentioned, i think if famous celebrities are involved, it will help to spread the message further to the other masses.

AloY said...

i like the idea of the advertisement. it brings about the mentality of singaporeans to a clear. showing that we singaporeans find excuses to escape from the idea of donating blood.

i have to admit that the advertisement is not as appealing of such kind where it shows its point to its audiences.

i guess we as singaporeans, must have the government to hold lucky draws of huge prizes for more singaporeans to join in the donation of blood to our blood banks, or at least till our banks are full.

El. said...

I've never donated blood before though there've always been blood drives in school. i think cause i have a history of dengue , its a little more dangerous.

i think it really is a personal conviction toward blood donation, like it'd be out of will. so an advertisement showing the desperate need for blood 'behind th scenes' might probably increase the number of people who would go for blood donations