Sunday, September 14, 2008

Newspaper Forums

Today, I'm going to talk about the letters that people send in to the forum.

As I flip through the pages of the Straits Times, I see a few articles that have been published in the forum. There are at least 2 pieces on an article that was published previously. Just from this section of the newspaper, it is evident that everyone has a different perception on every issue.

From yesterday's newspaper, The Straits Times, Saturday, September 13, 2008 there are a few articles that are being discussed.

So let me start with the article that i wrote about last week. There are both positive and negative feedbacks from 3 of the writers. One feels that the government will be able to solve this issue and that Singaporeans shouldn't be mean to these foreigners as our ancestors were once foreigners too. Another goes on to say that this shows "an underlying disturbing snobbish attitude". The final writer goes on about his worry about his maid getting involved with the foreign workers that will be staying near his place.

Just from this article there are so many different views from the different people that are affected. Each person is affected to a certain level. For instance, the resident will definitely be more affected than the others as he is staying in the environment that is affected.

Another article that was talked about would be on kidney transplants. There are 2 writes on this issue. One is a professor while the other is probably just a reader of the Straits Times. The professor wrote about how he felt about the transplants and he was rather pleased with the happenings. Also he hopes that the law on kidney transplants should be adjusted soon. The reader, on the other hand, wrote about his feelings on an article written by another reader on thursday. It says that there is "scant consideration for the sufferings of a fellow human being".

So it is really good evidence of perception at play. I guess it is right to say that perception is at play every single day of our lives. The environment and the status of a person in the society can be seen, in the things I've mentioned above, as a huge factor in affecting the perception of a person.


joy said...

I think Singaporeans should just be more open minded regarding the issue of foreigners staying in Singapore. We just have to accept them after all they are the ones who help build almost everything in our environment. My dad works at a construction site and naturally he interacts with his bangladesh workers, and besides the fact that they talk a lot, my dad is pleased with how they get their work done on time. He even has his meals with them! So... they aren't as bad as they seem. People should stop having the perception that these workers are scary and mean and we should all just really accept them. After all, they had to leave their families behind in search of work in our country just so they can support them, and we should just help them adapt to our country.

Chloe said...

Definitely the environment one lived in affects the shaping of his or her perception. Comparing western and asia, westerners are always seem more open-minded while the chinese are seem to be more conservative. This contrast seen in two different countries are shown due to the different ways they are being brought up. Needless to say, within a country, such things happen too. Different family background, cultures, experiences shape how you perceive things.

soldreamer said...

environment and education do play a part in influencing ppl's perception of things.. i believe that family plays the greater role in shaping our perception.. how parents feel about certain issues will indirectly affect their children as they look up to their parents. and also because they'll think that whatever and however their parents think is parents shud be careful in the things that they say so that they will not lead their children the wrong way..

AloY said...

for the issue of foreigners, i feel that if they do not find any sort of trouble with you, why bother to go through so much trouble just to find fault with them?
doing any of that sort will just show how immature singaporeans can be.

well at least, this is how i perceive the matter to be.
some may agree and some may not. basically, its how someone influences others with what they say that will cause others to have different perceptions of the matter concerned.

El. said...

maids getting involved with foreign workers. here, it replaces the main issue of foreign workers in singapore.

i think singapore need these foreign talents to survive.face it, we're never gona do what the foreign talents are doing now, we'll never be as efficient as them. its really time to appreciate them for their existence in the country and stop being so 'you have to be a singaporean to be in singapore.'