Friday, September 26, 2008

Survivor Gabon

I was watching the new season of survivor just this afternoon.

It was the beginning episode today whereby the contestants meet each other for the very first time. Just from the first episode there are many different forms of communication present.

One example is interpersonal communication. There is a lot of face-to-face communication between 2 people. They have these kind of communication to build bonds and get people to form cliques within each group.

First impressions also play a huge role in this reality tv show. Before the game actually begins, the 2 oldest contestants are separated and they are asked to choose the members they would want in their group. Obviously the stronger people get chosen first. Besides that, friendliness plays a huge role. The expression that a person has definitely plays a huge part in determining what others perceive them to be. The last person to get chosen was a lady who may possibly be the skinniest of the lot. Maybe her appearance was the main reason why she got chosen last.

At the end of each episode of survivor, there is like a tribal counsel thing where someone gets eliminated. For this episode the skinny girl got elimnated probably because of the way she communicated with people - giving the impression that she arrogant in a way. Her attitude was probably the main reason why she got eliminated.

In gameshows like this, first impressions and the way people communicate matters alot. Well i guess choosing the right way to communicate is probably the best way to survive on this game.

This season of survivor should be a nice one as there is a wide range of people from different ages and there's also like many wild animals living with the people in the island! It would be fun seeing how people actually live in the wild away from technology and all.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blood Donation Advertisement


This advertisement is about donating blood in Singapore. I saw this for the first time last night on channel 5 and it caught my attention immediately.

It starts out with people holding out flashcards with phrases like "because 'm afraid" and "because i'm too busy". It caught my attention because it had a degree of mystery. I kept trying to guess what the advertisement was trying to advertise and i couldn't put my finger to it. The concept of not having people talk is really interesting and it makes a person put their concentration on the advertisement.

Besides the technique of communication, the colours they used were outstanding. Like white for the background and capital letters for the words on the flashcards. The music also made the advertisement more impressive. I considered it as very suitable for advertising blood donations.

I guess truth plays an important role in this advertisement. The reasons that the people have given for not donating blood are quite true. Like for me I'm quite afraid of donating blood. And for others it might be true that people might believe that there is already enough blood in the blood banks.

Blood donation is really important in Singapore. And sometimes with insufficient blood in the blood banks, it might be a matter of life or death for a person. So why not just donate blood in future?


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Newspaper Forums

Today, I'm going to talk about the letters that people send in to the forum.

As I flip through the pages of the Straits Times, I see a few articles that have been published in the forum. There are at least 2 pieces on an article that was published previously. Just from this section of the newspaper, it is evident that everyone has a different perception on every issue.

From yesterday's newspaper, The Straits Times, Saturday, September 13, 2008 there are a few articles that are being discussed.

So let me start with the article that i wrote about last week. There are both positive and negative feedbacks from 3 of the writers. One feels that the government will be able to solve this issue and that Singaporeans shouldn't be mean to these foreigners as our ancestors were once foreigners too. Another goes on to say that this shows "an underlying disturbing snobbish attitude". The final writer goes on about his worry about his maid getting involved with the foreign workers that will be staying near his place.

Just from this article there are so many different views from the different people that are affected. Each person is affected to a certain level. For instance, the resident will definitely be more affected than the others as he is staying in the environment that is affected.

Another article that was talked about would be on kidney transplants. There are 2 writes on this issue. One is a professor while the other is probably just a reader of the Straits Times. The professor wrote about how he felt about the transplants and he was rather pleased with the happenings. Also he hopes that the law on kidney transplants should be adjusted soon. The reader, on the other hand, wrote about his feelings on an article written by another reader on thursday. It says that there is "scant consideration for the sufferings of a fellow human being".

So it is really good evidence of perception at play. I guess it is right to say that perception is at play every single day of our lives. The environment and the status of a person in the society can be seen, in the things I've mentioned above, as a huge factor in affecting the perception of a person.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Newspaper Article - Serangoon Gardens Issue

I was flipping through the Sunday Times today and the article on foreign worker caught my attention.

The article is mainly about the residents in Serangoon Gardens protesting against the idea of a foreign workers dormitory in their estates and how these foreign workers feel about Singaporeans.

I personally feel that a dormitory should be built in several estates so as to provide homes for these foreign workers in singapore. These foreign workers deserve a home as they are human beings too and besides that they have left their countries to work in singapore. If singaporeans were to be mean and go against the idea of buildng dormitories for these workers, what would the impression that the foreign workers will have on Singaporeans?

Lets put it this way. If Singaporeans were to be the ones working in a foreign country and the citizens in the foreign country were to go against the idea of making homes for Singaporeans in their country, how would you feel about it?

In the article, it shows how foreign workers feel about Singaporeans. And the groups of people include the chinese, thais, indians, myanmar nationals and bangladeshis.

The bangladeshis basically have a good impression of singapore and they enjoy working in such a nice country. On the other hand, the myanmar nationals are disappointed that Singaporeans do not trust them.

It is sad that Singaporeans are stereotyping foreign workers as bad and unwanted. I hope that the residents of Serangoon Gardens will rethink their decision of going against the idea of building a dormitory for these foreign workers as they need a home that is affordable to them.
